International Catalogue - Explained


The international catalogue is an overview of Norwegian TYA companies and artists who are available for international guest performances and touring.

ASSITEJ is the world's largest PAYA network is (PAYA: Performing Arts for Young Audiences). As a member of ASSITEJ Norway, you can connect to programmers and other artists all over the world. One step towards international exchange is to present your company and your productions here, in ASSITEJ Norway's international catalogue. This catalogue is always traveling with ASSITEJ Norway when we visit festivals and events abroad, and linked to in all of our printed materials addressing an international audience.

If you are a Norwegian artist, and you have questions about the catalogue or international opportunities in general, you're welcome to contact ASSITEJ Norway.

If you are a programmer, or a foreign artist/company looking for artistic collaborations, you're welcome to contact the companies directly. Feel free to CC ASSITEJ Norway as well, or to contact us if you have any questions.


ASSITEJ International World Congress & Artistic Gathering


TYAOslo Application Closed and Selection Process Beginning