Velkommen til ASSITEJ Norge!

En medlemsorganisasjon som fremmer profesjonell scenekunst for et ungt publikum - i hele verden.

Welcome to INAF 2025 – Are You Kidding Me?

We at ASSITEJ Norway are proud to invite you to the next edition of INAF – The International Norwegian ASSITEJ Festival, which will take place in Oslo from May 6–10, 2025.

This year we’re putting humor at the centre, so come join us in Oslo for a festival filled with laughter, bad and great jokes, reflections and workshops!

Looking for Norwegian artists and performances?

Are you a producer, artistic director, programmer or just someone who’s looking for a Norwegian artist or company for your festival? Look no further!

As part of our mandate to help Norwegian artists succeed internationally we have created our very own International Catalogue for our members with international ambitions. Instead of sifting through all our members, this collection shows the members that specifically wants to work internationally.

If you are a member of ASSITEJ Norway and want to be featured in the International Catalogue you can also find information on how to sign up on the same page.